by Oak Jones
February 19, 2021
Dedicated to all material objects that are worth infinitely more than they sell for.
Most families own a dog or cat
Or parrot if they're different
But my family went and one upped that
We bought a blue elephant
We named our big pet MAVY
The first day we brought it home
Mormon Adventure Vehicle Yo!
Far and wide you'll roam
Cape Reinga might have been the first
But far far from the last
Waikaremoana, Kerikeripapango,
Whangamomona and Haast
Eight times she's braved Cook Strait waves
And twice now Mt Cook's weather
Cooked her engine twice as well
Our Captain Cook's Endeavour
Piopio is her favorite stop
Back to the Nak she'd bring the fam
Yet Mavy wore many a cape
Apart from horizon's battering ram
Mav was a top class educator
Though her aux cord was unwise
Soon we all would nod along
And bat our heavy eyes
Unless it was Harry Pots
Or something else enthralling
Then we wouldn't take a break
Apart from occasionally stalling
Mavy makes a mean bunk bed
Beneath, inside, on top
3 levels without counting where
We stuffed Bebes with her lollipop
'Party' we would all agree
Was the middle section's middle name
Constant leg weaving, belly laugh heaving
Card table brought Mav into fame
Most things were lost in that middle space
Yet one item was always in the clog
An ice cream container just in case
The picnic table became a bog
The broken, half open, wee little window
Let in a gentle breeze
But only on one person so
Mav gains sauna status with ease
At the start of any notable trip
The back outdid a top end ute
The petrol guzzler took a jigsaw puzzler
But it fit our house into the boot
The heart beat of Mavy is found
In the screeching sliding door
Slam it shut, slam it again
Was a classic, constant chore
No siren didn't stop Mav mate
From a long night as an ambulance
Hang a disco ball and great!
A limousine for the dance
The nausea inducer, cell phone loser
With a lingering turpid smell
Back road hooner, trumpet boomer
The support crew's support crew as well
The bus to school on rainy days
The parallel parking piranha
The fast and flattened way to heav'n
For pesty flora and fauna
A bass note of pure family life
The ballast for our sail
A money eater, fat 9 seater
Type of Jonah's whale
Many vans leave legacies
But never was one greater
Than the big blue van with munted keys
Our dearest Mavinator
Let your heart know it's okay to be broken sometimes
Elder Scrub
Elder Scrub sent February 15 at 9:00 PM
Elder Scrub
Elder Scrub sent February 15 at 9:01 PM
Elder Scrub
Elder Scrub sent February 15 at 9:09 PM
Lest we forget...
Elder Scrub sent February 15 at 9:10 PM
And probably the most classic...
Smart and single
Smart and single sent February 15 at 9:11 PM
Smart and single sent February 15 at 9:20 PM
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