Tuesday, April 15, 2014

42, the most dangerous age

4 Problems of the Week

1.  Not enough time at the Te Papa museum in Wellington.  What a great place!  And free!  We drove to Wellington to give Noah his 2nd (and final) ACT experience and so that we could stick together as a family to listen to General Conference.

2. unexplained bumps on Joycie and Sage. 

3.  Two healthy-looking chickens die of unknown causes.  (I never imagined that I would spend a day nursing a sick chook in the kitchen....)

5.  Final Problem:  Being 42 years-old.  And, to make it worse, as of tomorrow, I will be MARRIED to a 42-year-old.  Two of us in the house at once!

Do you know how the universe sometimes conspires to teach you a message?

Just last week, I happen to read in "The Maytrees" by Annie Dillard that "42 is the most dangerous age." (A main character is congratulating himself for holding out until age 44 before leaving his wife and child.)

And then, just hours later, I stumble across this graph online, with age 42 RIGHT at the bottom…

(Happy Birthday, Mike!  It will only get BETTER from here on out…!)

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