2020 - My Year in Books
Elantris by Sanderson
-I forgot how fun science fiction can be!
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Medical Resident by Kay
-probably less shocking for me after being married to a doctor. Funny. Memorable ending.

Station Eleven by Mandel
-such a fast read that a lot of it seemed compelling at the time but hard to recall now.
- such a fun read!
The War that Saved my Life
-I liked this book, but Sage and Joyce didn't, even though it was written for their age group.
The War that Saved my Life
-I liked this book, but Sage and Joyce didn't, even though it was written for their age group.
My Name is Esther by Fleur Beale
-YA book, I liked it
Fair Play by Eve Rodsky
-wish I would have read this book earlier, but thankful I read it now
Drop the Ball by Dufu
- good combo with Fair Play
I Don't Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson
-thankfully, this seems a bit dated. Probably because I'd just read the previous two books.
Childhood's End by Clarke.
The Secret Garden by Burnett
-I thought I knew this story and wouldn't be so interested to hear it again, but I was WRONG! Listening as an adult, I would guess that this book that reading this book as a kid changed me forever, and I hadn't known it.
The Plague, Albert Camus.
-not as interesting as I remembered from AP English, and I skimmed a bit
-loved it
Things Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe
No Longer At Ease. Chinua Achebe
-very interesting to consider after so much reading for my MA about postcolonialism. Also interesting to read as a mother of kids who are coming of age.
The Power of Vulnerability. Brene Brown.
-I can see why she's so popular. "Don't shrink. Don't puff up. Just stand your sacred ground."
Harry Potter
-a treat on the way to church each week
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
-annual read
The Great Divorce.
-doesn't disappoint
Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty
- a great beach book for Hawaii
That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon's Perspective on Faith and Family. Tom Christofferson.