Sunday, September 16, 2018

Planet Earth and Church Stats

It's starting to feel like Spring, but it still gets dark fairly early in the evenings - a good excuse to snuggle up and watch Planet Earth.


Because I found it interesting, I'm including a list of statistics that were read out in our church District Conference today by our local district president.  District conference can be compared to stake conference.  The Taranaki district is composed of 5 units or "branches":  New Plymouth, Waitara, Stratford, Manaia, Hawera.  Driving from one side of the district to the other takes approximately 90 minutes and $50 of petrol.

Total members in the district:  1013
Average combined sacrament meeting attendance:  236
Melchizedek priesthood holders:  122
High priests:  32
Elders:  90
Percent attendance at priesthood meetings:  25%
Prospective elders:  251
Percent attendance at Relief Society:  23%
Young Men (ages 12-18):  43
Young Women (ages 12-18):  41
Active YM:  41%
Active YW:  33%
Primary-age children:  85
Younger-than-primary-age children:  20 odd
Member homes:  660
Homes without the priesthood:  542 . (Our district president went on to say this means that "542 of our families cannot receive exaltation.")
Adults:  830
Married adults:  310
Unmarried adults:  520
Endowed members 214
Current recommend holders:  119
Convert baptisms in the last 12 months:  4

By way of statistics, our mission president told us yesterday at the adult session of conference about a "shepherding ratio" that is ideally not meant to go above 1:20.  (One active, tithe-paying, Melchizedek-priesthood-holding man per 20 members). 

Attendance at 2018 Saturday evening adult session: 47
Attendance at 2018 Sunday morning session:  215

These statistics provide an interesting snapshot of our district.  These statistics also - both the categories and the numbers - provoke many questions in my mind.

Despite the questions, I will say that I enjoy attending our branch.  I enjoy the small size of our congregation very much.  The quality of our sacrament meetings is exceptional.  The vigour of our congregational singing is a joy.  Our teenagers have had exceptional youth leaders.  In addition, I find meaning in engaging with the questions and contradictions that church membership presents.  I'm thankful for our Taranaki district and the people in it.

Pot luck after district conference

Joyce and Sage talking with Sophie

Friday, September 7, 2018

Videos: For the Family Files

Videos for the family files:

Excerpt from Mercy's concerto performance. 

Julia did Mercy's hair, and Taylor and Bree gave support.  

Backstage with my students who played in the same concert - love 'em!


Video of Mercy's Get-2-Go team (coached by Oak and Poppy):

Mercy Get-2-Go Video, team coached by Oak and Poppy


Oak's 2018 speech for school:


Are dance exams a "thing" anywhere else?  Sage is preparing for her Grade 3 exams:


Meanwhile, at home...

Oak made some "pre-blessed," "weird-flavored" pancakes for Sage's birthday in bed

A couple more concert pics, photo credits to Mike:

Link to Mercy's entire performance Mercy Chopin Concerto
Link to Mercy's first concerto performance 7yo Mercy Haydn Concerto
