Monday, August 29, 2016

How to Be More Excited about Life

"With the physiological arousal being the same for both states of mind, whether you feel anxiety or excitement about a future event is often up to you. Much of it is in the way that you appraise your physiological arousal. In other words, in the meaning you give to it."  -S. Gaskin, PhD  or

We've had several high-adrenaline events around here lately, both of which involved choosing to be excited rather than nervous.  These pictures look so smiley and relaxed - it might be hard to remember how tense I felt some of the time and how elated I felt when the performances actually went well.

Danny and Mercy and my student, Lenora, performed in a big concerto concert.
2nd row seats 
Mendelssohn D minor, 3rd mvmt.
Mercy opened the 2nd half of the program

Prokofiev 3rd, the final piece on the program


Danny earned a tiger jacket for his piano work.
His driver's license happened this week, too.
The next weekend, Mike gave an awesome TEDx talk in Tauranga.

It was a wonderful day for me - enjoying a full day of TEDx talks and food with Oak, Mercy and Danny.  I took real satisfaction from the fact that I'd signed Mike up for the TEDx talk vetting process as a Christmas gift.   Mike was the final speaker, so he had massive adrenaline going all day long! I'm not sure jumping out of an airplane would have been any more adrenaline-inducing.
genius MC
giant Jenga game during a break

the moment arrives

Thinking about the fact that nervousness and excitement both produce the same physiological response, and that it's a choice how to interpret those feelings, has led me to muse over the things in life that are commonly associated with nervousness and reframe them.  I thought over the things that I'm "nervous" about at the moment, and reframed each challenge as something I was excited about.  I felt like a more enthusiastic person just thinking about it!  I'm so excited to have another sex-talk with a kid.  I'm excited to make THIS big decision and have THAT critical conversation!  I'm excited about picking the right dates for a big vacation, for my kids to be old enough to make their own choices and mistakes, and I'm excited to stay fit as I get older!

As I coached Mercy in preparation for her performance to interpret the feelings in her body as part of the excitement she'd be feeling, I was amazed at how many well-wishers' comments undermined the message.  I should have counted how many times, in my presence, someone walked up to Mercy and asked her if she was nervous.

Please, people, next time ask if she's EXCITED!

Links to concerto videos:
Mercy's concerto
Danny's concerto

I'll post the link to Mike's TEDx talk when we get it.

Monday, August 22, 2016

How to Celebrate Your 3-Year Anniversary in New Zealand

Oak and Mercy made the cake

Our 3rd-annual celebration involved our traditional cake and singing the national anthems of USA and NZ.

This year our celebration happened at the same time as we signed up for a USA-based streaming service just so we could watch the Olympics!  So fun!

Even the commercials are fun when you've never had a TV connection in your home!

Lights turned on for Sage, who thought her friend, Lutia, was just making excuses about having to run home after school to see her favorite TV show.  (Sage:  "Now I GET IT... you CAN'T pause or go back!")

Lights turned on for Mercy as she realized that Studio C was spoofing a weather report in their end-of-the-world-weather skit.  When Mercy saw her first TV weather report, she said, "It looks just like Studio C!"

All the kids are learning important American vocabulary like "Jimmy Fallon" and "Chevrolet."

Monday, August 15, 2016

Touching the Snow

Wintertime in Taranaki-
heaps of rain, but also heaps of beautiful days like this:
our house is on the right.  I love our house!!!

When your 5-year-old can't ever remember touching snow, it's worth a 30-minute drive.


Hike with Sue later in the week...
bush + snow = trippy

Mercy's Yr. 8 classroom.
no desks, no rows, no homework, lots of enthusiasm

Mercy, preparing for concerto concert!!!
for the sake of full disclosure, here's another picture of wintertime in Taranaki...
looking out the hall window

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Love-Heart Hamburgers

8 is such a great age!

Leave it to Sage to make hamburgers in the shape of love-hearts...

Actually, Sage might be looking at the entire world through heart-shaped glasses...

"Trouble" game - despite having no love hearts on display,
this is definitely Sage's most-used birthday gift.

Book of the week:

The kind of book that makes we want to delay starting the next book,
so as to prolong this one a little longer in my imagination.
Still laughing about the library-cart dance troupe.