Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fairy Houses for FHE


Noah's mission papers are in!  All the Millers need to send me your guesses and your quarters for the jar!  Actually, just send me your guesses and I'll put a quarter in the jar for you.  

Books of the Week:

I got a chance to catch up on my reading in the last couple of weeks...
Ann Arbor, Michigan.  I'm thankful for all the great book recommendations from these friends.  
Wow - I won't forget this book! 

I love this book!  Recommended in small doses - a chapter or two in the evening.
A nice companion to "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"

My first and fresh exposure to Blake!  Thanks, Melissa!  

I re-read again to annotate for Danny's 16th Bday - enjoyed it even more the 2nd  reading.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Guest Blogger

Sage, age 7
I laughed out loud when I found Sage's to-do list:  

Sage's List

Things to learn from a close reading of Sage's to-do list...by guest blogger, Jess Howatson:
  •  It's always important to remember your name. Nametags help.
  • There is nothing that can't be accomplished with "little stick things".
  • Perfume can always class things up, but it isn't essential.
  • Having lots of candy makes you a target.
  • Candy was invented to be shared.
  • There are many clever and creative ways to encourage someone to share their candy.
  • Sometimes the path to happiness is easier than we think.
guest blogger, Jess Howatson

I'll add my take-aways...

  • only 4 items on Sage's list.  My lists sometime seem a mile long.*
  • nothing wrong with including a "maybe" ("use perfume maybe").  I've never noticed Sage feel depressed if she doesn't get all her to-do items complete by the end of the day.
  • include other important people in your goals: "we want to do" is in the title of Sage's list, not "I want to do"
  • plan to do stuff that you enjoy (such as making name tags) and then do them for someone else or with someone else.  There are plenty of ways to serve others - might as well choose something that is inherently pleasant to you. 
  • notice things that you really want (like candy) and GO FOR IT! 

*Warren Buffet's advice about long lists...  
Make a list of the top 25 things you want to do in the next few years or even your lifetime, and then pick the five most important.
The other 20 things? Forget about them, for now:
Once the Top 5 planning session was over, Warren then asked "but what about these other 20 things on your list that you didn't circle? What is your plan for completing those?" Steve replied confidently "Well the top five are my primary focus but the other twenty come in at a close second. They are still important so I'll work on those intermittently as I see fit as I'm getting through my top 5. They are not as urgent but I still plan to give them dedicated effort."
To Steve's surprise, Warren responded sternly, "No. You've got it wrong Steve.Everything you didn't circle just became your 'avoid at all cost list'. No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you've succeeded with your top 5."
-from Scott Dinsmore, Live Your Legend